Pou Whenua
Intergenerational Food Resilience

Intergenerational Food Resilience

Intergenerational Food Resilience

Growth for the Future
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In 2022 an Intergenerational Food Resilience project began with the financial backing of the Waihi Beach community board and Western Bay of Plenty District Council.

This project included Ngai te Rangi, Te whānau a tauwhao, Otawhiwhi Te Kohanga Reo and aspirations of The Erana Kaunga Tuhura Whānau Trust and the initial objective was to plant 15 fruit trees to ensure that there would be trees, seeds and opportunity for mokopuna to learn through the regeneration of fruit tree planting.

This was a project that enabled mokopuna to learn the tikanga associated with planting trees. This project was completed in 2022 and was a success and it is hoped that there will be of benefit to the community in the years to come.

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